
Kornhaus Libraries

The library for all

The Kornhaus Library is both a place of discovery and a place in which to meet others, a place in which to read, discuss, listen, participate and relax. Our range is diverse and we offer a wide selection of media. We offer you captivating novels and audiobooks, informative non-fiction books, exciting films, electronic media (eBooks & eAudios and a film platform) for people of all ages and backgrounds, as well as internet terminals, free Wi-Fi and laptops for working on site. A selection of current daily and weekly newspapers and magazines is also provided. The Kornhaus Library can be explored in an unusual and exciting way through author readings, previews, children’s events and theme-oriented events. The network of Kornhaus Libraries unites ten neighbourhood libraries in the city of Bern, some with an integrated toy and games library, plus two reading and play pavilions, park libraries as well as new additional libraries around Bern.

Kornhaus Libraries
Cinquecento Medusae und Corallium
Eine märchenhafte Installation zum ernsten Thema der Klimaerwärmung
Mo, 05.05.2025 – Su, 30.03.2025
Kornhaus Libraries
Deutsch-Französische Lesung von "Tödliches Ultimatum" - "Ultimatum"
Marc Voltenauer und Nicolas Feuz
Tu, 06.05.2025
Kornhaus Libraries
Rätoromanischer Abend mit Chasper Pult
Mit dem Newcomer-Duo Nicoline&Nick
Th, 08.05.2025
Kornhaus Libraries
Buchvernissage "Gloria Mohammed" von Isabel Flückiger
Tu, 27.05.2025
Kornhaus Libraries
Books & Dragons
Rollenspiele für Erwachsene
Sa, 31.05.2025
Kornhaus Libraries
Frauen-Euro: Lesung und Gespräch mit Khalida Popal
Tu, 17.06.2025
Kornhaus Libraries
Frauen-Euro: Gesprächsrunde mit Franziska Schild, Flavia Wasserfallen und Bänz Friedli
We, 25.06.2025
Kornhaus Libraries
Books & Dragons
Rollenspiele für Erwachsene
Sa, 30.08.2025